
It is very easy to get caught up in the daily activities of running your own business; chasing sales, sending out invoices, attending client meetings the list is endless.  Finding the time and justification to complete an awards nomination is often very low down the list of priorities….      


However if your vision is to grow your business, expand into new markets or attract new clients then it should be a really serious consideration, forming part of your marketing strategy.

But how will this benefit my business?

  • Application can boost employee morale, providing a fantastic opportunity to recognise and refocus the workforce united behind a common mission.
  • Improving your visibility of the whole business, allowing you to take stock and recognise the business’ achievements to date, appreciate how far you have come, refining your vision for the future.
  • Benchmarking – often as a new ‘start up’ you assess the competition however a few years down the line and it can be easy to lose sight of that competitive edge.

If Shortlisted;

  • Free Marketing; Shortlisting will instantly enhance your reputation amongst your stakeholders
  • Expand your network; attending events and capitalising on a nomination affords you the perfect platform to attract new business and break into new markets.
  • Social Impact; the ideal opportunity to both showcase your business and demonstrate how you are supporting and giving back to the local community.

As a Winner;

  • Celebration! Winning an award will undoubtedly motivate and invigorate your employees as it formally recognises their individual and team efforts. Furthermore, it gives you all a unique opportunity to collectively share and celebrate your success- restoring pride and commitment going forward.
  • Credibility; An independent endorsement of your businesses achievements will provide real strength to the business and undoubtedly attract interest and new customers and potentially investors; enhancing the opportunities for continued growth and success going forward.

The deadline for entries is Thursday 28th June at 5pm.




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