Find out what a business journey is, how to claim motoring expenses using the actual costs or flat rate method, when to claim capital allowances and how to deal with lease charges.
HMRC is offering a range of online support and guidance to choose from. You’ll find the help you need in their live and catch-up webinars:
Thursday 26 April – 1pm to 2pm Book now
Capital Allowances for the self-employed: If you use traditional accounting, this webinar shows you how to claim for the longer life items you buy for your business, such as vans, tools or machinery.
Friday 27 April – 11am to midday Book now
You can ask questions during our live webinars using the on-screen text box.
Not joined a webinar (online presentation) before? This guide will tell you what you need to do.
For support that’s available when you are, try our online learning guide, ‘Self-employed business expenses’ for more information on allowable expenses, capital allowances and record keeping.
Or catch up with our series of recorded webinars, on business expenses:
- What are allowable business expenses
- Common business expenses
- Simplified business expenses
- Taxable profits.
There’s also a short video on, ‘calculating motoring expenses’ on HMRC’s YouTube channel.
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