
HMRC has got the latest information on end of year tasks, expenses and benefits in kind with this selection of online help for you.


HMRC is offering a range of online support and guidance to choose from. You’ll find the help you need in their live and catch-up webinars, videos and online guides.

The live webinars are interactive so you can ask questions using the on-screen text box.

Expenses and benefits for employers – case studies

Join the webinar for an overview of the tax and National Insurance treatment of benefits with easy to follow examples on medical insurance, personal bills and company credit cards.

We‌dn‌esd‌ay, 1‌1 A‌pr‌il – 10am to 1‌1a‌m                                          Book now

Expenses and benefits – employee travel

Learn how to deal with travel and subsistence expenses, as well as mileage payments made to employees using their own vehicles.

Th‌ur‌sd‌ay, 1‌2‌ A‌pr‌il – 2‌p‌m to 3p‌m                                                Book now

Payroll: annual reporting and tasks

This webinar covers end of year tasks, form P60, your final Full Payment Submission (FPS) of the tax year and preparing for the new tax year. The Basic PAYE tool is used to show you the principles involved.

Choose a date and time

Employers – what’s new for 2018

This is your last chance to find out about updates to tax codes, rates and thresholds and new and revised processes. It’s not too late – join now.

Tuesday, 10 April – 3pm to 4pm                                                   Book now

Not joined a webinar (online presentation) before? This guide will tell you what you need to do.

There’s also this short YouTube video on ‘How to set up your payroll for the new tax year’.

You can find more information by searching for ‘webinars’ on www. gov.uk

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