Day to day, I:

Am responsible for events and marketing at NGH, from emailing T&Cs to making sure an event runs smoothly. I work closely with the NODE and SEMSUP advisers as well as the NGH team as a whole.

For me, the best part about working at the Growth Hub is:

Our dedicated team! There’s never a dull day in our office and we’re all passionate about making sure our clients receive the high level of support they deserve.

When it’s my turn to buy the biscuits, I’m choosing:

Custard Creams or Jammie Dodgers – both go really well with a cup of tea.

The person I most admire is:

Well at this risk of sounding cheesy, my Nan. She is an incredible woman who has always supported and believed in me, even when I didn’t believe in myself. She also makes an amazing mac and cheese.

In life, I’m inspired by:

Way too many things to list! My friends are a huge inspiration to me, they have achieved some incredible things (both individually and as a group), and are always ready with a glass of wine and their ears open when needed. I’m also a huge fan of Tim Burton and Lewis Carroll.

A little known fact about me is:

I have broken my right hand/wrist seven times since the age of 13 and I’m obsessed with Halloween.

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