We all know the effect plastic has had on the environment, unfortunately when we go food shopping we don’t get a lot of choice when it comes to our fruit and veg – it often comes wrapped in plastic that gets added to landfills across the country. Lindsay and Navneet from Flore, Northamptonshire decided to open the first rural refill shop that allowed their customers to bring their own re-usable containers to stock up on what they needed, whilst providing a great place for you to pop in with your travel mug and get a coffee!
Lindsay and Navneet spent a long time thinking about how they could reduce their plastic wastage, finding the amount of plastic in their bins overwhelming and, in their words, ‘harrowing’. These plastic warriors talk about when they lived in India and how there you buy fruit, veg and cupboard staples loose, finding the amount of plastic we use here to be a massive contrast. Re was once the old Salvation Army Hall (the hairdressers) in Flore, now after some serious renovations its home to these plastic warriors amazing shop. Since opening mid-august the store has already made an impact to its local community and Northamptonshire and has attracted a lot of attention on facebook.
Re stocks a variety of different products such as rice, pasta, dried fruits, granola and other cereals, oil, flour, spices and much more. Lindsay and Navneet chose a rural location for a host of reasons but, their core purpose is for refills to become normal. Villages are typically known for having a village pub, maybe a shop or post office and the odd working men’s club, villagers normally have to shop at bigger stores instead of being able to take a stroll out and simply refill or replenish something they have run out of. As well as refills they provide coffee, cake, veg and fresh bread that is delivered daily, courtesy of the Good Loaf. They have created something for their local community as well as raising awareness against the use of single use plastics.
Want to reduce tour plastic wastage? Why not grab a usable cereal container and coffee cup and head over to Re and see what’s n offer, we know you won’t be disappointed.
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