HMRC is offering a range of online support and guidance to choose from. You’ll find the help you need in their live and catch-up webinars, videos and online guides.
VAT Accounting Schemes
In this live webinar we look at the flat rate, annual and cash accounting schemes and explain how choosing the right scheme could save you time.
Monday, 12 March 2018 – 2pm to 3pm
VAT and motoring expenses
This webinar will offer an overview of how to reclaim VAT on a car, hiring and leasing vehicles, commercial vehicles and other motoring expenses such as repairs and maintenance.
Thursday, 15 March 2018 – 2pm to 3pm
HMRC’s live webinars are interactive so you can ask questions using the on-screen text-box.
If you have not joined a webinar (online presentation) before, this guide will tell you what you need to do.
Catch up with the latest ‘VAT Flat Rate Scheme’ recorded webinar. It explains what the scheme is, how to use it, the importance of record keeping and how to complete your VAT return.
You can find out about charging and reclaiming VAT, as well as VAT returns and payments in ‘How VAT works’ online guide . It’s free and you can use it anytime.
The importance of ‘VAT record keeping’ is explained in this short YouTube video.
You can find more information by searching for ‘webinars’ on www. gov.uk
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