
The Northamptonshire Growth Hub facilitates a number of industry led forums covering the Manufacturing, HR and Logistics sectors. Our Key Sector and Knowledge Transfer Manager, Charlotte Patrick, talks us through the benefits of joining the forums and  answers some frequently asked questions.   


What happens at a forum event?

There are usually a variety of updates and presentations, followed by sharing of best practice and some problem solving – where companies raise something they would like others views on to help resolve.  It’s all down to the attendees and those on the emailing list to decide on the topics. These forums are a supportive environment to help support and grow your business.

Are they just networking events?

No – these are industry led and sector relevant gatherings that enable you to listen to others, share best practice in a peer to peer environment and raise queries.  All presentations are run past members to ensure that the topics and format are relevant. We ensure that everyone comes away having gained knowledge and insight.

What do we discuss?

Whatever members want to discuss! For instance the HR Forum has been discussing the implications of GDPR through to recruitment issues, the Manufacturing Forum has been discussing lean and apprenticeships –all with company case studies and input.  We ask those on the email list for items for discussion – so you choose what you want to discuss.

Who will be there?

Representatives and personnel from across the sector – so for instance at the HR Forum we have from HR Managers & Directors to officers and PA’s – all who undertake HR roles in their day to day roles.  The HR Forum has over 200 members.  Companies range from large corporates through to smaller companies.  Sectors include Logistics to food manufacturing.

The Logistics forum is open to all those in the logistics and supply chain sector in the county.

The manufacturing forum is open to all those in the county who make something or have a manufacturing process.

What happens outside of meetings?

Outside of the meetings there are regular email updates and information shared between meetings.  Notes from the meetings are circulated but these are anonymised so no one is identified. Highlights are then shared on the Growth Hub website.

What do I have to do to join?

Email me at charlotte.patrick@northampton.ac.uk with a few details about yourself and the role you undertake and which forum you would like to join.  We can then add you to the email list and the rest is easy! All details of the events are listed on the Growth Hub website.

Visit our events section to find out more about our forums and dates available.



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