Northamptonshire Growth Hub facilitates a number of industry led forums to support Northamptonshire Businesses – across all sectors and sizes.  All forums are open to those in the field to share best practice and be updated on a wide range of topics and collaborate on issues.

Apprenticeship Levy Forum: Friday 15th September, 8.30am

A forum for companies involved in the apprenticeship levy to share best practice & updates.

Northamptonshire Manufacturing Forum: Wednesday 18th October

The Forum is led by manufacturers for manufacturers to enable sharing of best practice and information – a local forum with global aspirations.  Discussions have included cross sector mentoring schemes and support available to companies.

Northamptonshire Logistics Forum: tbc

The forum enables logistics companies to meet and share best practice and information and put Northamptonshire Logistics at the forefront of collaboration and innovation.   Discussions include Northamptonshire Logistics Awards Dinner, funding, training, mentoring schemes, progression of Logistics Driver Assessment Scheme, recruitment & infrastructure challenges.

Northamptonshire HR Forum: Wednesday 13th September 2017

A peer to peer forum for HR practitioners based in Northamptonshire companies.  The group meets regularly to share the latest information and best practice.  The group undertakes a yearly salary and benefits survey. Presentations recently have included direct sourcing of candidates via the web, Restrictive Covenants.

Healthy Safety & Wellbeing Forum: Thursday 12th October 2017

Interactive sessions to enable companies to share best practice on schemes and activities in the workplace to improve health, wellbeing and productivity in the workplace.  Recent forum topics included Workplace & Warehouse Warmup demonstrations and interactive health assessments.

Additional Events:

Document Awareness Training Session: Thursday 3rd August 2017

Run in conjunction with Northamptonshire Police and HR Forum, this workshop is designed to provide reassurance and awareness of the security features contained within identification documents such as passports, identification cards, driving licences and bio metric data cards irrespective of the country of origin which may be used in support of job applications, verification of identity, security vetting. For those who regularly examine identification documents.

Cyber Security Event: Friday 8th September 2017

Following on from our recent July Cyber Security event this longer indepth event with workshops will cover a wide range of topics.  With recent events and advances cyberattacks are a reality for businesses and happening every day. How should companies protect themselves?  With updates on GDPR as well as information and best practice.

Upside of BREXIT:  Thursday 21st September 2017

The Logistics & Manufacturing Forum are joining together for an ‘Upside of BREXIT informative event, with key speakers on Tax, International VAT implications and views from companies.  Details to follow shortly.

All meetings are 8.30-10.30am unless otherwise notified

For more details please email

We are always keen to hear from potential new members interested in joining these popular and proactive groups, which are industry led and Chaired.

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